Popcorn Sales Incentive Program

While the Council has a Popcorn Sales incentive program, the Troop Committee introduced an additional Troop level incentive program for our scouts that sell more than their minimum target for Popcorn sales. The Troop Committee chose to add this additional program to benefit and encourage the scouts to actively participate in the Popcorn Selling Program and to reward those scouts that go above and beyond.

The intention of the Popcorn program is to benefit Scouting. Any and all decisions or exceptions, approved by Scoutmaster and Committee Chair, concerning the Troop Incentive program will side with what is best for the Scouts participating and the Scouting Program.

The program has two components:

1. Individual Scout commission

Popcorn Sales of $500 to $1,500 will receive a commission of 5% of the sales

All sales over $1,500 will receive commission of 10% of the sales

The Popcorn credits can be used for payment to:

    • Any Troop activity that requires a fee above and beyond what is paid in the Troop dues (i.e. Ski Trip, Summer Camp)

    • A gift certificate to an approved outdoor store (i.e. Campmor, EMS, etc.) for gear


    1. The Troop Treasurer will maintain an individual scout accounting of the commissions and will be available on request.

    2. The commission can not be used for Patrol Food or Troop Annual Dues.

    3. The commission to be applied to an activity should be requested before the event and will be accepted up to a week after the event.

    4. Commission will not be carried over to next Troop budget year.

2. The Top Seller

In addition to the Troop Commission to be award, a prize package will be awarded to the Scout who sold the most Popcorn. The prize will go towards the outdoor equipment needs of the scout with a value of $150 (Scoutmaster will arrange).

Approved: at Troop Committee Meeting